Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Public Housing Looms in Camden Night

Affordable housing in Camden is in both rough shape and short supply and, unfortunately, the fight to increase the supply and quality of such housing has been met with little success over recent years. Hope does exist though for the residents of Southern Jersey. The Fair Share Housing Center, directed by Peter O'Connor, Esq. and Former Jesuit Volunteer Kevin Walsh, Esq., is attempting to take this fight to the suburbs, using specific New Jersey legislation known as the Mt. Laurel Doctrine to force suburbs to follow the practice of inclusionary zoning when determining their development strategy.
This legislation essentially allows pioneers like Mr. O'Connor and crew to sue Jersey Townships and demand that affordable housing be included in all future development plans. Although they've been faced with many challenges and setbacks in this uphill battle, the Fair Share Housing Center has earned many crucial victories and has served as a point of pride for affordable housing advocates all across the country.

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