Friday, August 05, 2005

A little litany of things I love

Maria - Tijuana, Mexico
Originally uploaded by giftos.
Rocking chairs and porches, storms near the ocean, feeling the steam of hot coffee brush your face on a cold day, the smell of matches, making fires, New England fishing towns, playing guitar on the beach, hooded sweatshirts, Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead, getting kissed on the forehead, getting a sunburn while skiing, showering outside, the smell of a pipe, t-shirts made just the right length, alliteration, falling asleep with someone, smiling when you should be mad, driving with one foot out the window, winter caps, little kids deep in sleep, the feeling of chalk on my hands, mechanical pencils, hot apple cider, a firm handshake, cooking for friends, port, dusk, people playing with my hair, finishing my laundry, cigarettes in the dark, standing ovations, dancing, grandparents, grandparents that dance, humility and surprise, not criticizing what you don’t understand, ice cream headaches, getting coffee for no good reason, film, photography, being fascinated, wondering about love, never giving in to hate, duct tape and mustard, growing old together, men with white hair, two handed hand shakes . . .


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything on your list but mustard. Mustard is limited condiment which only goes well with a few food. I would suggest salsa instead. A nicely blended salsa is appicable in a variety of edible situations. Just a little food for thought.

Jon Giftos said...

The board shall review this proposal at its next meeting :)