Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Hidden Homeless of Camden

Some of Camden's forgotten . . .

Here's a link to a slideshow of my more recent photos.


Jon Giftos said...

Anwar, thanks for being a regular on the site, I'm glad you're enjoying the photos.

Tambien, gracias por escribirme en espanol. En este momento creo que mi espanol se me esta cayendo bien rapidamente.

Tengo una pregunta antes de irme. Cuando viene para aca? Me esta haciendo mucha falta. Que se cuide papa, y que me disculpe por faltar tantos accentos. Ciao.

Anonymous said...

Oh my my, these pictures make me so sad. I was relieved when I realized the top two pictures weren't you! HAHA. Kidding aside though, thats really upsetting to see....:(
